healthy News

Food for digestive system
Chinese Yam山药 ( good for all constitution )
Neutral Sweet
Tonifies energy and Yin of lung, spleen & kidney. It treats over-thinking induced diarrhea, seminal emission & fatigue    
Fresh 50g, Dry10~30g
Blanching stir-fry & soup 
Jujube or Chinese Date fruit大枣 ( good for all constitution )
Neutral Sweet
Tonifies Blood and energy; Calms the mind.
3-6 pieces
Steam or boiling
Job‘s Tears or pearl barley薏苡仁 ( good for hot constitution )
Slightly Cold, Sweet, and Neutral 
Removes dampness, water, and heat; is anti-cancer
Soup or rice
Rice ( good for all constitution )
Neutral Sweet
Tonifies energy and blood of spleen and stomach. Calms the digestive system.
Milk or porridge,or with millet gruel
Dolichos seed 白扁豆 ( good for cold constitution )
Slightly warm, Sweet
Easing the digestive system. Checking the hyperactive qi, dispelling summer-heat, and strengthening stomach.
Fresh 50g, Dry10~30g
Fresh stir-fry, Dry boiling or porridge

Come:〖 〗   Adddate:〖2008/9/29  Author :Eva Zhang   Browsing number of times :165


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