healthy News

Weight Control by use Nature Food
 ¡¤ Celery   Ç۲ˠ
       ¡¤ Cool,  Bitter, and sweet 
       ¡¤ Removes damp, water, cools heat
       ¡¤ 100g   
       ¡¤ Raw, Fried
 ¡¤ Hawthorn ɽé«
       ¡¤ Warm, Sweet, and Sour
       ¡¤ Promotes blood circulation, resolves phlegm
       ¡¤ 6~9g 
       ¡¤ Tea, Dry
 • Job¡®s TearsÞ²ÜÓÈÊ
       ¡¤ Slightly cold, Sweet, and neutral 
       ¡¤ Removes dampness, water, and heat; is anti-cancer
       ¡¤ 15~30g
       ¡¤ Soup, Congee
•  Aloe«Üö
        ¡¤ Cold and bitter    
        ¡¤ For hot & dry person, promotes bowel 
        ¡¤ 10-20g
        ¡¤ Beverage, yogurt
•  Papaya·¬Ä¾¹Ï
         ¡¤ Neutral, sweet, and bitter
         ¡¤ Reduces weight by expelling excess water
         ¡¤ 30~60g
         ¡¤ Steamed or raw (raw can lets out summer heat)

Come£º¡¼ ¡½   Adddate£º¡¼2009/1/13¡½  Author £ºEva Zhang   Browsing number of times :96


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